Nos produits sont conçus
et fabriqués en France

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Cellular - Control of attachment to cellular network
  2. Cellular - Is my product attached to a 2G or a 3G network?
  3. Cellular - What is a Roaming attachment?
  4. Cellular - On which operator is my product attached?
  5. Cellular - Display the operators visible around my equipment
  6. Cellular - Control of radio received level in 2G/3G
  7. Cellular - How can I optimize the received level of my product?
  8. Cellular - How to set a GenPro or GenLoc in 2G?
  9. GSM DATA - How can I force a 2G modem to respond in GSM DATA CSD?

Cellular - Control of attachment to cellular network

The PIN code of the SIM card must be disabled or must have been previously entered.
For a product using AT commands, send the command AT+CREG? Expected response: +CREG: 0,1 or 0,5
Simple control of the GSM Led: if the Led is flashing slowly, the modem is attached.
If the Led is OFF or ON, the modem is not attached.

Cellular - Is my product attached to a 2G or a 3G network?

For the 3G products GenLoc 3xxe/GenPro 3xxe, send the command:
If the response is : +UREG : 0,2 , the modem is connected in 2G
If the response is: +UREG : 0,6 / or 0,3 , the modem is connected in 3G
For the products GenPro 30e/40e, send the command:
If the response is: !GETRAT : GSM , the modem is connected in 2G
If the response is: !GETRAT : UMTS , the modem is connected in 3G

Cellular - What is a Roaming attachment?

The roaming means that the SIM card operator and the network on which the modem is attached are different. Example: for a SIM card FREE (in 2G) attached to the ORANGE network, the response to the command AT+CREG?  is +CREG : 0,5

Cellular - On which operator is my product attached?

Send the command AT+COPS?
Example of response: +COPS: 0,0,"Orange F"

Cellular - Display the operators visible around my equipment

Do a scan of the visible operators with the command AT+COPS=?
The response can be quite long (up to 1 minute)
Example of response : +COPS: (2,"F SFR","SFR","20810"),(3,"Orange F","Orange F","20801"),(3,"F - BOUYGUES TELECOM","BYTEL","20820")
Legend: 2 =  currently attached / 3 = forbidden / 1 = available / 0 = unknown

Cellular - Control of radio received level in 2G/3G

If a SIM card is inserted, the command AT+CSQ allows to get the received signal level called "RSSI". The "RSSI" goes from 0 to 31. 31 is the highest level.
Example: AT+CSQ returns +CSQ: 24,99 => = 24
In 2G for DATA CSD or GPRS or Voice communications, it is recommended to have a "RSSI" level above 10
In 3G, the communications in packet-mode can work with a lower level.

Cellular - How can I optimize the received level of my product?

The installation and the selection of the antenna are very important.
A magnetic antenna must be placed on a metallic surface (ground plane used by 1/4 wave antennas). Do not place an antenna horizontally.
Place the antenna the highest possible or close to a glass surface and avoid metallic surfaces.

Cellular - How to set a GenPro or GenLoc in 2G?

To set a 2G/3G product in 2G (necessary for example in order to use the GSM DATA CSD), follow these steps:
1 - For the products GenLoc/GenPro 3xxe:
2 - For the products GenPro 40e/30e :

GSM DATA - How can I force a 2G modem to respond in GSM DATA CSD?

With some subscriptions (depending on operator), the command AT+CSNS=4 allows to force the modem to make a DATA CSD response and not a VOICE one.